DebsVibe Weekly Newsletter

FINALLY... the vibration plate user news you've been waiting for!

Thank you for your interest in learning more about my passion - vibration plates, their benefits and how to use yours effectively for your health & fitness goals.

I am long overdue in getting this communication started and look forward to bringing you weekly tips, more workout videos and some product suggestions.

Many of you are members of my private online learning groups now - THANK YOU for your support and contribution to those communities. I do however recognize not everyone is on Facebook! This newsletter will offer alternative ways to access me and allow you to share more information with others you feel may benefit.

I am hosting 2 open orientation sessions LIVE this Saturday November 16! Join me on my YouTube channel at 1pm or 6pm EST for help getting started and motivated!

Have a fantastic rest of your week and I look forward to seeing you LIVE this weekend!

Stay Healthy Out There… and keep shaking!

P.S. If you prefer not to receive my weekly communications, you can update your preferences or choose to unsubscribe below.


or to participate.